Bruno Oro

Tu busques amor i jo cobertura


This year, the collaboration between Llibres Low Cost and the Festival Còmic of Figueres echoes Bruno Oro’s literary debut, «Tu busques amor i jo cobertura». It will be at the time of the matinee at the Casal Cívic Figueres-Empordà. Llibres Low Cost will present the author and talk with him about his original, fun and exciting first novel. Conversing with Bruno Oro is always synonymous with having a fun time.


Between Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Beverly Hills, before turning off completely, the Nen −a mobile and peculiar narrator of this novel− immerses us in a romantic, sweet comedy, somewhat melancholic and absolutely hilarious, starring Capo, an actor famous for starring in a successful television series, who has decided to leave the ship and find out what destiny has to offer him.

Friday 19th of April, 13:00 h


Free access

60 minutes

Catalan, book launch party, talk