
Rodó, 25 (Good) years

When Charles Goodyear invented the tyre, he could not even imagine the universe without limits that some crazy people from El Maresme would create a little more than 100 years after its invention. Rodó (Round) is the work that retreads the best numbers of a 25-year career and visits to over 20 countries. The shows Boom!, Goma Gom and Volta de roda vulcanized into a single performance; tyres transformed into motorbikes, cars, fish, elephants, skirts and diving masks; a sensational scenic display filled with compressed air designed to make the attitude of the most discerning audience decompress.

Saturday 31st of March, 17:00 h

Espai Citroën

Plaça Catalunya, Figueres

Free access

60 minutes

No text, physical comedy