Days left until the Inaugural Gala:


10 years of good humour!

In Catalonia, in 2008, there were two reckless things you could do: open an estate agents, or start a cultural project. It’s a well known fact: clowns always choose the wrong option, but this time that’s wrong. The Figueres Comedy Festival was born out of this “certainty”.

In the past ten years there have been many serious natural disasters, the spread of rare viruses such as influenza, Ebola, iPhones; governments have collapsed, worse have arisen, the gunpowder of terror has not stopped spreading, Facebook either, Wikileaks has revealed a variety of corruptions, the world should have ended in 2012, but didn’t, VAT has risen shamelessly, there are displaced people everywhere...

Perhaps this modest festival isn’t enough to counter so much fatality… at the moment. But surely, surely, with good humour as an antidote, half of these problems would not exist. And if they didn’t, that would certainly be worth laughing about.

Thank you for your ten years of confidence in us.

Full program

21 shows & activities. 11 spaces. 4 days of fun. Are you going to miss it?

Thursday 13th of April, 21 h

Inaugural gala

The Umbilical Brothers, Yolanda Ramos, Guillem Albà & La Marabunta, Xuriguera i Faixedas, Mali Vanili, Àngel Amieva

Teatre El Jardí

18,00 € / 15,00 €

Friday 14th of April, 12 h

El profesor de tenis

Cía. La Mano Jueves

Plaça Joan Tutau

Free access

Friday 14th of April, 17 h

La Marabunta

Guillem Albà & La Marabunta

Espai Citroën-Plaça Catalunya

Free access

Friday 14th of April, 19 h

Saturday 15th of April, 19 h

Sunday 16th of April, 19 h


Cia. A Mossegades, Còmics Teatre, Cia. Ramon, La Senyoreta, Imprólogo

Fundació Clerch i Nicolau

Taquilla ɐsɹǝʌuᴉ

Friday 14th of April, 21 h

Don't explain

The Umbilical Brothers

Teatre El Jardí

18,00 € / 15,00 €

Saturday 15th of April, 12 h


Cía. BotProject

Barri de Sant Joan

Free access

Saturday 15th of April, 17 h

Rien à dire


Espai Citroën-Plaça Catalunya

Free access

Saturday 15th of April, 21 h

Humor i hòsties

Marc Martínez

Teatre El Jardí

18,00 € / 15,00 €

Sunday 16th of April, 12 h


Cobla Contemporània


Free access

Sunday 16th of April, 12 h


Cía. El Negro y el Flaco

Plaça Jaume I

Free access

Sunday 16th of April, 17 h


Marcel Tomàs

Espai Citroën-Plaça Catalunya

Free access

Sunday 16th of April, 19 h


Dimitri Bogatirev & Family

Teatre El Jardí

18,00 € / 15,00 € / 10,00 €

Friday 14th of April, 10 h

Laughter therapy

Mª Luz Lurbe

Session / workshop

Poblenou - Av. Pirineus, 19

Free access - Compulsory registration

Saturday 15th of April, 10 h

Laughter yoga

Ananda Das

Session / workshop

Antiga Presó - c. Sant Pau, 153

Free access - Compulsory registration

Saturday 15th of April, 19 h

Las Humoristas

Isabel Franc

Book launch party

Saló de descans, Teatre El Jardí

Free access

Cineclub Diòptria

Thursday 6th of April, 21 h

«Le tout nouveau testament»

Wednesday 12th of April, 21 h

«Four Lions»

Thursday 20th of April, 21 h

«El ciudadano ilustre»

Thursday 27th of April, 21 h

«Historias de la edad de oro»

Cinema La Cate

6,00 €